Change log#


New features#

  • New PydanticSchemaManager enables you to use Pydantic models as Avro schemas. Like the RecordNameSchemaManager, this new manager handles schema registration for you. To serialize a message, you simply supply a Pydantic object. The manager will also deserialize messages into Pydantic objects if the message’s schema corresponds to a managed Pydantic model. Overall this feature provides end-to-end type checking of messages from development to production.

0.3.0 (2023-02-23)#

New features:

  • New HTTPX support with kafkit.registry.httpx.RegistryApi, in addition to the existing aiohttp support.

  • Documentation is now built with the new Rubin Observatory user guide theme and Sphinx configuration.

  • The __named_schemas annotation added by FastAvro is now stripped, in addition to __fastavro_parsed. Via @hhromic 🎉

  • Kafkit is now also available on Conda-Forge (feedstock URL: conda-forge/kafkit-feedstock).

0.2.1 (2022-07-15)#

A py.typed file is now included to advertise type annotations in Kafkit.

0.2.0 (2022-07-15)#

  • Python versions 3.7 and earlier are no longer supported because Kafkit is adopting the annotations import from __future__ and native support for importlib.metadata. Kafkit is explicitly tested with Python 3.8, 3.9, and 3.10.

  • We’ve added a kafkit.ssl module to help connect to Kafka brokers over TLS. The associated documentation includes a tutorial for working with the SSL certificates generated in a Kafka cluster managed by Strimzi.

  • The brand-new kafkit.registry.manager.RecordNameSchemaManager provides a streamlined workflow for serializing Avro messages using Avro schemas that are maintained in your app’s codebase. The manager handles schema registration for you. To serialize a message, you simply need to provide the data and the name of the schema.

  • A new kafkit.registry.sansio.CompatibilityType Enum helps you write use valid Schema Registry compatibility types.

  • We’ve significantly improved Kafkit’s packaging and infrastructure:

    • Migrate packaging metadata from to pyproject.toml (Kafkit continues to be a setuptools-based project).

    • Tox now runs tasks like tests, in conjunction with the existing Pytest set up.

    • Pre-commit hooks lint and format the code base.

    • Code style is now handled by Black (and in the documentation with blacken-docs).

    • Full support for type annotations! tox -e typing validates Kafkit’s type annotations with Mypy.

    • We’ve migrated from Travis CI to GitHub Actions.

  • The documentation now includes a development guide.

0.1.1 (2019-02-13)#

Several fixes:

  • RegistryApi.put was doing a PATCH behind the scenes. That’s fixed now.

  • The RegistryApi.put, patch, and delete methods weren’t returning data. That’s fixed now as well.

  • All of the RegistryApi’s low-level HTTP methods have more thorough unit testing now to avoid these issues in the future.

0.1.0 (2019-01-30)#

Initial release of Kafkit!

This release includes the kafkit.registry package with a working Confluent Schema Registry API client implemented with a sans I/O design. There are two client implementations. One is designed for aiohttp users (kafkit.registry.aiohttp.RegistryClient), and the other is for I/O-free unit testing (kafkit.registry.sansio.MockRegistryApi). The clients include schema caches so they can be used as both local stores of schemas, in addition to accessors for remote schemas. The release also includes a suite of Avro message serializers and deserializers that integrate with Confluent Schema Registry and the Confluent Wire Format (kafkit.registry.serializer).