
class kafkit.registry.Serializer(*, schema, schema_id)#

Bases: object

An Avro message serializer that writes in the Confluent Wire Format.

Use the Serializer.register class method to create a Serializer instance.

  • schema (dict) – An Avro schema.

  • schema_id (int) – The ID of schema in a Schema Registry.


A Serializer instance is dedicated to serializing messages of a single schema. The serializer is a callable. Send the message to the serializer to encode it.

This is an example using the MockRegistryApi client. Real-world applications would use the kafkit.registry.aiohttp.RegistryApi instead.

>>> from kafkit.registry.sansio import MockRegistryApi
>>> client = MockRegistryApi()

For demonstration purposes, assume the schema is already cached:

>>> schema = {
...    'type': 'record',
...    'name': 'schema1',
...    'namespace': 'test-schemas',
...    'fields': [
...        {'name': 'a', 'type': 'int'},
...        {'name': 'b', 'type': 'string'}
...    ]
... }
>>> client.schemas.insert(schema, 1)
>>> serializer = await Serializer.register(
...     registry=client,
...     schema=schema)

Serialize messages:

>>> data = serializer({'a': 42, 'b': 'Hello world!'})

This serializer works well as key_serializer or value_serializer parameters to the aiokafka.AIOKafkaProducer. See

Methods Summary


Serialize a dataset in the Confluent Schema Registry Wire format, which is an Avro-encoded message with a schema-identifying prefix.

register(*, registry, schema[, subject])

Create a serializer ensuring that the schema is registered with the schema registry.

Methods Documentation


Serialize a dataset in the Confluent Schema Registry Wire format, which is an Avro-encoded message with a schema-identifying prefix.


data (object) – An Avro-serializable object. The object must conform to the schema.


message – Message in the Confluent Schema Registry wire format.

Return type:


async classmethod register(*, registry, schema, subject=None)#

Create a serializer ensuring that the schema is registered with the schema registry.


serializer – A serializer instance.

Return type:



It’s safe to call this method even if you know that the schema has been registered before. This process is necessary to get the schema’s ID, and won’t create a new schema if an identical schema is already registered.